The Fancy Rose Bouquet is an impressive gift they will never forget! Picked fresh from the farm and standing 3 feet in height, this amazing rose bouquet boasts a large flower head that measures 5 to 6 inches across. Hand gathered at a select floral farm that specializes in growing these incredible blooms,
this fresh bouquet of a 12 long stems red roses arrives either in a tall sleek clear glass .
The Fancy Rose Bouquet is an impressive gift they will never forget! Picked fresh from the farm and standing 3 feet in height, this amazing rose bouquet boasts a large flower head that measures 5 to 6 inches across. Hand gathered at a select floral farm that specializes in growing these incredible blooms,
this fresh bouquet of a 18 long stems red roses arrives either in a tall sleek clear glass .
The Fancy Rose Bouquet is an impressive gift they will never forget! Picked fresh from the farm and standing 3 feet in height, this amazing rose bouquet boasts a large flower head that measures 5 to 6 inches across. Hand gathered at a select floral farm that specializes in growing these incredible blooms,
this fresh bouquet of a 24 long stems red roses arrives either in a tall sleek clear glass .